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Click below to download the 2015 World Highland Dancing Conference schedule!









Tempos – Tempos for the Fling have slowly dropped from around 140bpm in the 50s and 60s down to our current 112bpm or even slower.


Dancer Styles – Because tempos have dropped so much over the years, we have gone from one basic style, which was “fast”, to various styles such as strong, soft, sharp, etc., which is a positive.


Dances – We have grown from the 4 Highland dances plus the Hornpipe, Jig and Flora (for females only) to as many as 8 dances in a day.  This includes the 4 Highland dances, plus the 9 National dances that now all dancers can compete in, plus various other dances such as cake walk, broadswords and other choreographed dances in solo, duets and groups.  


The Types and Rhythms of the Music – These dances all use different types of music, whether it is a Strathspey (4/4), Reel (2/4 or Cut time), Hornpipe (2/4), Jig (6/8), or March (4/4, 2/4 or 6/8), or Retreat (9/8).  All are slightly different in timing, rhythms/dynamics and tempos.  Many dancers do not necessarily take advantage and express the dance according to the rhythms of the music.


Science of Training – Because the music has slowed, our dance form has become more of a sport.  Some teachers are now incorporating sports training into their Highland preparation including proper practice techniques and “off season” training.


Strength/Stamina – Again, this wasn’t as much of a concern “back in the day," but with the slower tempos allowing for more elevation and suspension, strength and stamina are both very big components of a good, all around dancer.


Injuries – Slower tempos and more competitions make for better, more expressive dancers, but are also contributing to more injuries, mostly of the overuse type.  This is mostly because now, if a dancer is sporadic at their practicing between competitions, when they get to a competition, all the warm up and then competing to the slower tempos makes it much harder on the body to handle it at the slower tempos.  The result for some of these dancers is overuse injury. 


Judging – This has also evolved over the years.   Technique is much more precise and at a much higher standard now, all due to the slower tempos.  Dances are now done much more expressively because the dancer has the time to express to the music instead of just trying to keep up to it.  As a result, judges now have more to judge because there are more nuances to the performance due to the slower tempos.  Now, the best dancer is not just the best technician, but also the best performer.


Teaching – Just like judging, teaching is also evolving due to the slower tempos.  Those teachers who don’t keep up simply can’t expect to have dancers who can compete with elite level dancers of leading teachers.




The following list includes sessions we are considering this year's conference, among other possible sessions not included on this list.  


1. 2016 Set Step Dancer Workshop

2. Sports Psychology

3. Approaching Competition from a Champion's Perspective

4. 2016 Premiership Dancer Workshop

5. 2016 Set Step Lecture

6. Goal Setting and Motivation

7. Strength Training/Stamina and Plyometrics

8. Teaching Beginners

9. Ask the Judges

10. Biomechanics/Kinesiology

11. Improving Technique/Highland in Depth

12. Choreography Essentials

13. Hornpipe

14. Ballet Cross Training

15. New Zealand Hornpipe/Jig

16. Old Steps/New Book

17. Injury Prevention

18. Stretching for Flexibility and Turnout 

19. Nutrition/Diet for Competitions

20. Jig

21. The Art and Science of Practicing

22. New Teacher's Forum

23. Piping Music/How it Relates to Highland Dancing

24. Special Choreography

25. Fostering Successful Parent/Teacher Relationships

26. Organizer Roundtable

27. Preparing for the Judges Test

28. Marketing Highland Dancing and Fundraising 

29. Scrutineering

30. Parent's Sessions


And more! Do you have a suggestion for a parent’s, organizer, teacher or judge’s session you do not see on the list?  We would love to hear your ideas! Send your idea to Bill Weaver at for consideration.

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